
What Makes Readers Buy or Download a Book?

As you probably know by now, I love doing polls in my reader group. I learn tons about my readers and their preferences, but also about trends in the MM romance market and more. My last question to them was this: what makes you buy or download a book? Note that...

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Listopia: What Constitutes Angst in MM Romance?

I love the MM community on Facebook, where authors and readers interact in various groups. One of these groups is a relatively new one called M/M Angst Lovers, and of course, I joined as soon as I spotted it, haha. But it made me wonder: what constitutes angst in...

Holiday MM Romances

Readers’ Favorite Holiday MM Romances

It's time for another Listopia post. I love polling the readers in my Facebook group Nora's Nook, and last week, I asked them about their favorite holiday MM romances. Now, of course my book No Angel isn't out yet, haha, so that's not on the list, and I just read...

Readers’ Fave MM Romances With Setting Outside the US

I love reading MM romances that have a setting outside the US. You can learn so much about a different culture, even from a fiction book. It's like traveling there, but through a story. I remember books I read as a kid that took place elsewhere and how wonderful it...

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Readers’ Top 10 Rereads in MM Romance

Two weeks ago, I talked about why readers reread books, showing some results from a poll I did in my FB group Nora's Nook. After seeing how many readers reread book, I was super curious as to what their favorite rereads were in MM romance. This poll was taken in my...

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How Often Do You Reread Books?

It's been a while since we did a Listopia kind of post, but I have a good one this week. I asked the readers in my Facebook group if they ever reread books, and I got some interesting answers. How Often Do Readers Reread Books? First, let's share the results. I...

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The Two Biggest Clichés in Gay Romance

This week's Listopia post is an interesting one. I asked the readers in my facebook group what clichés in gay romance they were most tired of. There were two definitive "winners", but the comments was where things got interesting. Let's start with two two biggest...

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What’s the Preferred Heat Level in MM Romances?

It's time for another poll-post... A while back, I asked the readers in my Facebook group this: how much sex should MM romances have? I was wondering if readers had a preferred or even required heat level in their gay romances, if they preferred lots of sex, some...

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Readers’ Biggest Frustrations in Gay Romances

As you may have discovered, I love asking my readers questions. Here's another one I asked recently: What is something that has made you or would make you stop reading an MM romance? What are your biggest frustrations in gay romances? And boy, did they come up with...

gay romance tropes

Favorite Gay Romance Tropes

I love to ask the readers in my facebook readers group about stuff. Like their favorite gay romance series, or their best MM romance rom coms. A while ago, I did a "polling Saturday" where I asked them what they loved and hated most in MM romances. One topic they...

Best gay romance series

Best Gay Romance Series

It's time for another list of best gay romances and today we're focusing on the best gay romance series. Series are known to be favorite with many readers, both series that can be read as stand alones and series that need to be read in order. I asked the readers in...